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In recent years, our company has acquired significant experience in electricity and heat production, as well as the development of district heating systems for larger urban centres in Croatia. We have prepared several studies and projects for existing and new thermal power plant units in Zagreb (ELTO and TE-TO), Osijek, Rijeka and Sisak, including high-risk process and power pipelines, cooling and fuel supply systems, boiler units, feedwater supply systems as well as water treatment and filtration units.

Our company has also prepared several projects for steam pipelines in industrial facilities and urban areas, as well as designed and supervised the building of several transport and distribution hot-water pipelines, including projects on the urban district level for HEP Toplinarstvo, a member of the HEP Group.

  • Compressed process water (de-carbonization, filtration, ion exchange)
  • Revitalization of the main steam line and steam pipeline connections
  • Rehabilitation and construction of major hot-water and hot water network
  • Combined cycle gas-steam thermal power plant up to 180 MW
  • High risk pipelines in thermal power plants
  • Energy fuel storage steel tanks (capacity up to 10 000m3)
  • Pressure vessels (heat exchangers, tubular heating registers)
  • Heat & Pumping stations
Combined heat and power plant EL-TO Zagreb
District heating network City Zagreb